María Peinador, Expert in the study and fight against Human Trafficking.


Throughout my life, if there has been something that has characterized me, it has been my desire to change things and to help, with my actions, those around me. The projects I have been developing all these years are a reflection of this irrepressible motivation: human projects, projects made from the heart, projects with which I have been able to travel the world, projects designed by and for people.

International Cooperation Nepal

Direction and development of the “Menstruation and Women Rights Project” at the NGO Himalayan Children’s Care Home located in Pokhara, Nepal, during 2019.

For six weeks I carried out the development of this project on menstruation, rights, and female empowerment for 30 teenage girls of the center: I developed the syllabus, elaborated the pedagogical material, and based the learning on daily group classes. In order to facilitate group dynamics, the sessions were divided into four groups of seven and eight students, where we explored women’s rights in the international sphere, safe menstruation, and empowerment processes and systems, as well as the main barriers to empowerment.

The project ended with a presentation for all the boys and the rest of the center’s staff, where the four groups presented one of the six topics worked on in the classes (menstrual cycle, hygiene products, menstrual pain and patriarchal society), developing, for this purpose, posters and materials created by themselves: drawings, poems, photographs and large signs in support of women, and in defense of their rights. The exhibitions were held simultaneously in both English and Nepali.

The end result of the project was a complete success: the beginning of the classes was not easy, taboos and shame prevailed when it came to talking about the subject or asking questions; at the end of the six weeks all the girls could talk not only openly about it, but with pride and admiration for themselves, their bodies and their peers. The empowerment and transformation they underwent in that time was totally amazing. In the same way, boys and men learned more about women’s bodies, managed to overcome preconceived notions and prejudices about menstruation, and understood the importance of respecting and valuing the women around them as equals, ensuring the fulfillment of their rights.

Research on trafficking in the country, although existing, was much more complicated both to locate and to obtain any information from the locals. Even so, during the development of the project, we talked about human trafficking in the country and were able to detect several prevention strategies for all the minors.

International Cooperation Sri Lanka

Development of educational projects focused on child development and protection at the NGO Eliya Kinderheim e.V. in Tangalle, Sri Lanka, during 2017.

Over the course of eight weeks I carried out the development of several educational projects focused on child development and protection at the center for 25 minors. The cognitive and social development of the children and teenagers of the center is the centerpiece of the working system implemented by the entity, ensuring, through different mechanisms, the proper protection of minors and the prevalence of their best interests. In addition, I constantly supported the internal management tasks of the entity in order to ensure the proper functioning of the center.

During my stay there, I had the opportunity to gather a great deal of information about the development of trafficking both in the country and in its big brother, India (where I later went to continue my research). I traveled to the main hot spots accompanied by locals, visited projects developed by indigenous social entities and was able to talk to national security professionals about victim identification.

International Cooperation Thailand

Development of educational projects focused on the development and protection of children in the NGO International Humanity Foundation in Chiang Rai, Thailand, during 2015.

For four weeks I carried out the development of several educational projects focused on child development and protection at the center for 12 minors. The main areas of work focused on emotional management and conflict resolution for girls and boys. Through several didactic units developed and implemented after the first contact with them, the emotional regulation and the understanding of the origins of the main problems were solved favorably. At the end of my time at the center, the children had acquired useful tools that they put into practice every day. In addition, I provided school support in the subjects of English and mathematics.

It was during my stay in this center, where my relationship with the study and investigation of human trafficking began; witnessing how several predators of minors approach the facilities with the intention of recruiting some of the girls in order to sexually exploit them. Following this incident, my interest in the development of this crime in the country leads me to tour the country, visiting its main trafficking areas and informing myself of the past and current situation regarding sex tourism and sexual exploitation, through local men and women. Along with this, I was able to meet with several local non-governmental entities dedicated to the protection of trafficking victims and the support of minors.


Principal Investigator of the Project
“To the Rhythm of their Rights”

Direction and development of the project “To the Rhythm of their Rights” in collaboration with the Human Rights Office of the King Juan Carlos University during 2016 and 2017 as the Principal Investigator.

Development of the Project “To the Rhythm of their Rights” based on the socio-educational support to Acogida Foundation through the purchase of a toy library by performing a benefit concert.

The general objective of the project was to promote the rights of children from dysfunctional immigrant families, through economic, emotional and psychological support. The specific objectives we achieved were several: on one hand, by carrying out a cultural work for a social cause, we managed to bring society closer to the world of volunteering and social actions. Likewise, we wanted to raise awareness of the world of small non-profit organizations, which, although often overshadowed by large entities, play a key role in the daily lives of those who require their services, and that, not being so actively sponsored, they need more social and economic support to be able to maintain themselves.

The main action of the project was based on the celebration of a benefit concert with the voluntary participation of three musical groups, which was attended by a total of 185 people. For its development and sponsorship, we also had volunteers who carried out the design and manufacture of bracelets, banners and promotional cards with the project’s logo, implementing social media contact for the dissemination of the initiative on the Internet. The net proceeds from ticket sales were used to purchase a toy library for Acogida Foundation with a total of 33 games, which was delivered during a leisure day with the children.

Participant in Santander Yuzz
Young Entrepreneurs Program

Participant of the VIII Edition of the Santander Yuzz Program for Young Entrepreneurs developed by the Santander International Center for Entrepreneurship (CISE) during 2017.

Selected by the Santander International Center for Entrepreneurship (CISE) attached to the Alfonso X The Wise University to participate in the VIII Edition of the Santander Yuzz Program for Young Entrepreneurs, through a humanitarian project focused on the protection of child victims of human trafficking for different purposes of exploitation.

The program offers the full, direct and free support of the entity for six months through continuous mentoring by experts in business development through group classes and individual tutoring. My social project was the only one of my promotion, focused on the creation of a child protection center for children victims of trafficking with different forms of exploitation. The completion and final presentation of the project obtained a favorable result from the jury.

Social Action Spain

Development of two social action projects in Spain from 2010 to 2013 for the NGO International Cooperation and the Virgen del Pilar nursing home.

My career in the social world began in 2010 with the distribution of breakfasts to homeless people in Madrid. After a few months I started with the development of recreational activities with elderly people in Virgen del Pilar nursing home.